
i have a perfect body 'cause my eyelashes catch my sweat

my eyelashes catch my sweat
i've recently become my own worst critic. but isn't that who it usually is.

i've been gearing up to take on that thing that almost killed me last spring.
and after weeks of effort to correct a major (we're talking major) holiday weight gain and picking my running back up after losing it completely - you mean i can't maintain by eating whatever i want and sitting on my butt all day. lame. - the scale remains the same.

running every day and focusing my meals around the holy bible of eating and not. a. single. pound. lost.
i admittedly can be just as superficial and human as the next and it's these sorts of things that have the potential to wreck me completely.
and maybe it did for a while.
but something happened amidst my self-pity party and, in few words, i got over myself; took a hammer to the scale, patted myself on the back for the small headway i have made, pulled out the old fat jeans from storage and went on with my days.
happy and healthy and with a little more junk in the trunk, i went on with my days. - and that in itself is a victory.

hurts to purr - matinee