After years of threatening to throw Spencer the World's Most Awkward Surprise Party with only people he sorta-kinda knows on the invite list, he went behind my back and actually threw me a real one.
What a jerk.
What a jerk.

The only 2 items on the night's agenda were to (1) eat crusty food then (2) sit around and ridicule me,
with everyone I love in attendance, plus a special surprise guest flown in all the way from Midwest, USA.
I may have cried, but I can't be certain.
It was one of the best, most overwhelming feelings ever. Which feels like a gross understatement, but there's really no other words for suddenly being faced with the reality that all of the people you love most, not only kinda-sorta like you back, but really know and understand who you are - right down to your quirky eating habits and favorite trashy television shows.
It was perfect,
perfect in every possible way that matters.
S: ok girls. i need some help planning a 30th birthday for kayleen.this much i know: she enjoys a crowd, likes loud and inappropriate conversation, and i'm pretty sure she'd want to be wearing a tiara on her special night. actually i'm positive. who can get us a tiara???
S: a roast of some sort would be fun... what awkward stories personality quirks/flaws/etc. can we all ridicule her for? ... don't be shy.
Aft: I know Kay's would love a good roasting... I've heard her make the comment that she would love a reason for people to get together and talk about her.
Ty: This looks promising.
Sar: i think you need to celebrate what kays loves...a theme party where everyone dresses up like one of the real housewives and she has to guess who's who, she likes uncomfortable things, any game that encourages lying, cocktails (monster+lemonade), and friends.
M: crusty food she likes... beef jerky, gummy bears, Swedish Fish, Sour Patch Kids, soft pretzels, monster/Mtn dew cocktail, taco bell tacos.
C: a giant game of mafia - and we all agree to get super into it,
or we just set up a table with a giant puzzle and let her have at it,
or a really uncomfortable game of "would you rather ... ?"
D: housewives playing in the background, abernethy on skype, a birthday song solo from me complete with an interpretive dance to go along with it... a mean game of mafia (or any other game that makes people squirm in their seats)
S: ...who can we get a tiara from?!
J: i'll spare you my witty rhetoric and just offer a resounding "here, here" to all the afore mentioned replies.
S: ...she's been joking about a surprise party for years. But, no worries. She doesn't suspect a thing. She's so duuuuummmbbb!!!
That's love, friends. Real love.